sherrie loftis

User Experience Designer

I design websites

I can re-design your website too

Let's get your business on more than just Facebook

You can have a website you love

I can help with hosting & domains

I can also help your business :

  • With all phases of the design and development process:
  • Digital Marketing & Social Media Support
  • SEO optimization & Section 508 standards savvy
  • Typography Layout & Branding & Logo Design Work
  • Shopping Cart or Database set up and management
  • Have a look at a simple pricing breakdown:    Here
  • a look at some of my favorite clients:

*branding *logo design * hosting support * bootstrap * C# * clean code *content *inclusivity design * equitable designs * browser ranking * browser testing * css3 * requirements gathering * elements * icon creation * font design * canvas * font licensing * font-family * frameworks * hosting services * html5 * logo design * quick prototyping * information architecture * web apps * angular js * jQuery * keyword expansion * location flexible * project plans * mySql * project workflow * responsible design * responsive design * SEO Efforts * section 508 * site maps * start up * communication * typography * UX | UI design * wireframes * web redesign *mobile design *interaction design *user research

Let's get started on your site today...

It will look great on all browsers

Let's put you on top of internet searches  

I will create a site You and Users will love

We can make your website

inclusive equitable Universal up-to-date & cohesive

Next Steps:


We will meet to discuss work completed


Provide contract time & fees for signature


We set Go live launch date !

Let's Talk on Socials Soon :